Littlewargame Wiki

List of Units in LWG

Here is a list of all the Units in Little War Game. Each has it's strengths and weaknesses.

Abbreviation Meaning
HP Hit Points
DMG Damage
ARM Armor
VIS Vision
RAN Range

Human Units

Unit Name Picture Cost Purpose Strengths and Weaknesses Stats:
50 -Starts and is made at the Castle/Fortress

-Melee, Ground Unit

-Low Damage, No Armor -Constructs and Repairs Buildings

-Harvests the only resource, gold

-Start with 6 Workers in typical game.

Strong: None

Weak: Everything

HP: 60

DMG: 5

ARM: 0

VIS: 8

RAN: 0.2

85 -One of the units made at the Barracks

-Melee, Ground Unit

-High Damage, Medium Armor

Strong: Wolves

Weak: Dragons

HP: 125

DMG: 9

ARM: 1

VIS: 8

RAN: 0.2

85 -One of the units made at the Barracks

-Ranged, Ground Unit

-Medium Damage, Low Armor

-Best used in numbers

Strong: Dragons

Weak: Wolves, Werewolves

HP: 80

DMG: 6

ARM: 0

VIS: 8

RAN: 5

150 -Made at the Mage's Guild

-Ranged, Ground Unit

-Low Damage, Low Armor

-Don't place in front of battlefield

-Comes with spells:

  1. Fireball
  2. Slow Field
Strong: Workers, Archers

Weak: Dragons, Catapult

HP: 80

MP: 100

DMG: 5

ARM: 0

VIS: 8

RAN: 5

150 -Mage at the Church

-Ranged, Ground Unit

-Low Damage, Low Armor

-Like Mage, don't put in front lines

-Comes with spells:

  1. Summon Healing Ward
  2. Invisibility
Strong: Mages

Weak: Towers

HP: 80

MP: 100

DMG: 5

ARM: 0

VIS: 8

RAN: 5

Beast Units

  • A fast ground unit with low hit points and health regeneration
  • Can be made in the Wolves Den
  • Counters: Strong vs Archers, Workers; weak against Soldiers, Werewolves.
  • A slow, armored ground unit with high hit points and regeneration
  • Can use a "Smash" ability to create space (can no longer use the ability in post LE11 maps)
  • Can be made in the Werewolves Den
  • Counters: strong vs Soldiers, Wolves; weak vs Catapults, Dragons
  • A bulky, flying unit with high hit points
  • Can do minor area-of-effect damage
  • Can be made in the Dragon's Lair
  • Counters: Strong against Workers, Soldiers, weak against Ballista.
  • A weak flying unit with no attack
  • Can be made at the Castles and Fortress
  • Used for scouting
  • Counters : strong vs none, weak against Watchtowers, Dragons.

Mechanical Units

  • A long range siege unit with high damage
  • Can be built at the Workshop
  • Counters: Very strong against Watchtowers, Werewolves, weak against Dragons
  • A slow, ranged anti-air ground unit
  • Can upgrade its area of effect
  • Can be built at the Advanced Workshop
  • Counters: Very strong vs Dragons, weak vs Wolves.
  • A fast, flying transport unit
  • Can upgrade to increase detection
  • Can be built at the Advanced Workshop
  • Counters: strong against none, weak against Dragons, Ballistas

Special Units

Unit Name Picture Cost Purpose Strengths and Weaknesses Stats
-Currently Untrainable
Shadow Wolf
80 -Currently Untrainable

-Fast, Ground Unit

-Medium Attack, Low Defense

-Has the ability to teleport

Strong: Archers, Workers

Weak: Soldiers, Werewolves

0 -Currently Untrainable

-Only trainable from spell

Medium Attack, Low Defense